Sequence Command Line Interface tool now comes with support for several common utility functions as well as easy to access boilerplates:
- marketplace create-listings: Create listings on Sequence Marketplace for minted tokens in your wallet
- marketplace create-marketplace-boilerplate: Clone a starter boilerplate for Marketplace integrated with Next.js
- wallet create-single-signer: Create single signer Sequence wallet for any EOA wallet and get the address
- boilerplates create-embedded-wallet-react-starter: Clone and configure Embedded Wallet start project with React
- boilerplates create-kit-embedded-wallet-nextjs-starter: Clone a starter boilerplate for Sequence Embedded Wallet integrated with Sequence Kit and Next.js
- boilerplates create-tx-manager: Create a server that has the ability to mint collectibles based on parameters
- boilerplates create-embedded-wallet-verify-session-starter: Clone a starter boilerplate for Sequence Embedded Wallet verification from a server-side application
Start using Sequence CLI with
npx sequence-cli
on your shell. For more details: